Monday 29 August 2011

Throwing a Needle into a Haystack

I have just created my profile on Casting Call Pro. It was a relatively painless process, with only one minor hiccup, as it insisted on my entering at least one credit before I could be accepted. So I dragged up some presenting I did for Radio Forth in my student days and then was slightly miffed on that station's behalf, when CCP huffed and said it had not heard of such an organisation. I put them right. So I'm now waiting for the 24 - 48 hour delay while some monitor at CCP takes out a tape measure to reassure themselves that the pic I have submitted is in fact the regulation 10 inches by 8 inches and I have not cut off a few millimetres here or added a centimetre there in order to appear more dramatic than I am.

I'm aware, of course, that creating a profile on CCP is about as useful as throwing a needle into a haystack. The chances of any prospective director or agent e-flicking through the site, coming upon my phiz and saying to him-/herself, "By George! Felicity, (or "By Felicity! George") that's just the face I had in mind for the lead in our next production at the Theatre Royal. I can tell from his photograph that he has all the range and skills for the part. Get him on the blower now!" are slightly less than one in several hundred thousand. But it's all publicity and a profile on CCP is a start; if only one starving student director sends me a grammatically inaccurate and misspelt email offering to pay me nothing for the privilege of spending several hours lurking in the shadows of their next zombie movie, I won't rule it out of hand. In the meantime, it's back to the dayjob - the tedious task of scanning and uploading dozens of old magazines to Abebooks in the hope that someone will buy them; but before that, the all-important pot of tea . . .

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