What I'm looking for is a co-producer. It's clear to me that in Californian Lives and possibly other theatrical pieces that I am working on, that I have a dramatic, and possibly commercial, hit on my hands. The next step should therefore be: take it to a wider audience. Which means finding another venue. Which might mean finance. Which definitely means phone calls and research and meetings and being assertive and bothering people until we persuade them to work with us.
All of which I am constitutionally incapable of doing. I deeply dislike promoting myself or my work. I have this strange belief that if a product is worth something, other people will recognise its value and clamour to get it. If the creator of the product is pushing it, then it's a sign that it's no good. When I do promote myself I get stressed. So I do it badly or not at all.
Which is why we (Arbery Productions - aka my humble self) and Californian Lives are looking for a co-producer. Someone who will front the organisation while I scuttle around the back looking after the accounts and the schedule and in other ways greasing the machine. Someone based in London. Someone who doesn't expect a salary but a percentage of income. Perhaps someone who's new to producing and who wants to get involved in the theatre without risking their own money. If you think you fit the bill or know someone who does, let me know. And no, they don't really have to hold my hand.
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