Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Murder Mystery

I've just read through the script for Clouds of Grey for the third time - and I still don't fully understand it. It's complicated and intriguing and not all the characters are who they seem to be. At least I now (think I) have answers to some of my early questions, such as exactly who dies? when? how?, but other uncertainties remain.

With luck I'll fully understand what is happening by the time the play opens. As for the audience, I can tell from the script that even if they are confused by the plot they'll be absorbed and intrigued by the production - and anyway, it's a reasonable bet that the average bum-on-seat will be brighter than me. Maybe one of them afterwards can explain things to me if I buy them a drink...

I'm not complaining. I like a bit of confusion and mystery in my plots, which makes me a sucker for David Lynch's work. I can watch Twin Peaks, Lost Highway and Mulholland Drive repeatedly and not complain - even if I find myself wondering whether we have moved forward and backward in time, whether such a character has become someone else or is simply being portrayed by another player and whether I'm watching reality, a dream or something in between. (The only exception is Inland Empire, which disappeared so far up its own plot that I gave up on it about hour into the three-hour marathon.) So I'm looking forward to seeing how Clouds of Grey develops and how the various stories and characters come together - and that offer of an after-show drink remains.

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