I know, I should leave it there. Never look a gift horse in the mouth in case you discover its teeth are rotting or you see a Greek soldier staring up at you... But before I accept praise, I like to know who it's coming from and how good their critical facilities are. I'm suspicious of any reviewer whose comments are either wholly positive or whose insights are not very deep. And this is the case here. The production is wonderful and so is the cast and that's about it.
Well, of course I'm going to quote this review to all and sundry in the hope it gets me more work. And maybe Steve Barfield, the reviewer, is right to spotlight me. So on the surface I am little more confident of my acting ability, but inside I still have the nagging doubt that my performance is no more than average to good. Come see for yourself to make your own decision - and meanwhile, you can judge the review for yourself at www.playstosee.com.
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