Thursday, 8 March 2012

What next?

We're into the second half of the run of The Duchess of Malfi and I'm wondering when, or even if, I will get my next part. This is the first time since I started looking for acting work last December that I have not been involved in a play or film. Suddenly, it seems the jobs have dried up.

Without an agent, getting work involves three stages: (i) hearing about a part and applying for an audition; (ii) being called in for the audition; and (iii) being offered the part. At the moment I am only registered on Casting Call Pro, so they are the only source of information. At the beginning of the year many parts came through the system for my gender and age and I applied for a number of auditions.

I don't usually get to stage ii. In most cases, I suspect, it's because I have too little experience and / or my appearance is too quirky or sinister. In the last two months I have been called for audition only three times. Once was for a student film about an aging rock star; having turned up at the Soho pub where the audition was held and read the emotionally immature script, I was relieved not to be offered the part. The other two calls - for an aging con in a playscript and a devious character in a student film - attracted me and when I gave what I thought were excellent readings, I was convinced I would at least be called back, but in both cases it went no further.

I know, I know... Casting is not just a question of talent, but the overall concept of the production, and if you don't fit the director's vision, you won't be chosen. But it's still annoying to be rejected.

(I should also acknowledge that directors sometimes contact me directly. Ten days ago I was offered a small part in an unfunded slasher film. I don't mind a bit of blood and gore, but it has to have some wit and intelligence and maybe even an underlying message. The script I was sent was pedestrian and predictable, so I made my excuses and wished them luck...)

I'm not complaining. Since I started seriously looking for work less than four months ago, I have been given three parts in short films and two stage roles. I ought not to be surprised if I don't get offered work for another four months - and the fact that I will be out of London for a month won't help me. But I'm greedy for attention. I want to go back on that stage or on front of those cameras and stretch myself even more. Maybe you, dear reader, have something to offer me?

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