Monday 3 September 2012

Next appearing....


I'd like to fill in the blank, but I can't because I don't know where or when my next appearance will be. Either I haven't got the hang of this agent business, or this agent business hasn't got the hang of me. In the last few weeks it seems that parts for actors of my type are as scarce as an endangered species. Nothing has yet come from my agent and very few of the notices from Casting Call Pro and Spotlight are applicable to me. I have managed to get one audition for later in the week for a small unpaid part in a film, but that's all the news on the acting front.

That means I find my attention wandering from the stage and screen. Most of my working time in the past couple of weeks has been spent on my bookselling business - preparing a catalogue and cleaning up the website. I've also been using the time to continue the process of decluttering my flat; in the last week I have managed to reveal several more surfaces in my office that have spent the last year piled up with papers, periodicals, publications and paraphernalia. This summer cleaning has left me feeling self-satisfied, but I'm concerned that my enthusiasm for acting, my connections and my talents are beginning to ebb. Before the Actoh in me dies, someone please throw me a metaphorical lifebelt and start giving me virtual resuscitation...

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